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4 Easy Tips to Keep your Skin Looking Shiny and Healthy this Winter Season

With winter hitting us in full force this week, diving into your pile of winter clothes and shoes is only fitting before you make your way out into the cold. You may be stacked with snow-proof armour this year, but these chilly times can still get under your skin, literally. Even with a fuzzy neck warmer or scarf, your skin is still at risk of feeling the full wrath of the infamous snowy season.

To help you maintain that glowing and healthy summer skin you worked so hard for, here are a few simple tips and tricks to keep in mind during these frozen times.

  1. Shovel on the Moisturize!

This may seem like an obvious one; however, people often forget this essential step in their skincare routines!

Winter weather is notorious for causing dry skin, with its never-ending brisk winds and below-freezing temperatures. Even with extra clothing measures such as scarves, hats and neck warmers, cold weather still poses a number of threats to your skin. Dry skin is one of the main sources of skin blemishes and added friction irritation from heavy clothing; this paves the way for uncomfortable feeling skin. To best avoid struggling with skin irritation and blemishes, moisturize your skin more frequently than you would during the summer season. Recommended would be to moisturize twice a day, once in the morning before you start your makeup routine and once before bed after you complete the other parts of your skincare routine.

Moisturizer is a fantastic way to keep your skin looking shiny and healthy this winter, making sure that you are close-up ready for the office, the holidays and whatever indoor event you are planning to attend this year!

2. Freeze up on the exfoliant!

Exfoliating your skin is perfect for getting rid of the accumulated dirt that found its way into your flawless pores. Although this skin routine must-have is known for working skin-cleaning wonders, exfoliating your skin every day can actually be more damaging than beneficial.

Frequent abrasion to your skin can be harsh on your pores, clearing the natural oil they need to hydrate your skin's surface. The truth is our skin needs natural oil to survive and stay healthy, and if you are exfoliating your skin each day, you are putting yourself at risk of dry and sensitive skin. As mentioned before, cold weather is notorious for causing dry skin, so this winter, try to exfoliate only once a week or twice a week if you have more typical oily skin.

3. Unwrap the lip balm!

Let's be honest; on snow days wearing full-glam makeup seems pointless with the ridiculous layers of winter clothing and the burden of snowflakes melting it all off once you finally finish clearing it off your car. Going for a more natural makeup look is usually the better choice during these chilly times. However, natural makeup usually means overlooking the state of your lips when you don't have to add bright and colourful lipstick to your look.

Although it may not seem like a big deal, forgetting your lips can be an annoying problem to tackle as winter goes on, apply lip balm regularly to keep your lips from becoming cracked and painful from harsh frozen weather. Aim to put some on each time you feel your lips start drying up or feel a little too bare.

*Note: You can buy lip balm with a little touch of colour or sparkle to achieve a more lively and healthy look!*

4. Don't flake on the Vitamins!

The chilly season calls for some cloudy and cold days, with little to no sun rays. Without frequent sun exposure, it's common for skin to lose its healthy-looking shine. Skin needs Vitamin D just like your brain needs it to be active and happy.

To maintain glowing and healthy-looking skin this winter, make sure you take vitamin D daily, especially on the days when the sun is hidden away from the snow-covered sky. This will boost your body's nutrients and give your skin a chance to feel the same effects it would from soaking up sun rays without forcing you to stand out in the cold with your face to the frozen sky.

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— Jana Valone

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